General McLane School District

Mission Statement

The General McLane School District meets students where they are and empowers them to fulfill their full potential.

Vision Statement

The General McLane School District will foster an environment to meet the unique needs and aspirations of all students.

General McLane School District Core Values

  1. Community:
    We value a sense of community within the district and with the community at large.
  2. Caring:
    We value personal relationships in a caring environment.
  3. Respect:
    We value respect for self, for each other and for property.
  4. Responsibility:
    We value responsible action and expect personal accountability and fiscal responsibility.
  5. Collaboration:
    We value collaboration and expect all parties to work together for the betterment of our students.
  6. High Expectations:
    We value holding high expectations for ALL.
  7. Individual:
    We value every individual and provide ample opportunity for them to develop their skills and talents.
  8. Safety:
    We value a school community that is safe and secure.
  9. Leadership:
    We value quality leadership throughout the district.
  10. Commitment:
    We value long term commitment from employees, graduates and residents.