Physical Information
2024-2025 Fall Sports Official Start Dates
- HS/MS Cross Country, HS Volleyball, HS Soccer, MS Girls Basketball, MS Football, HS Football Cheer
- Physicals due: 8/5/24
- Official Start Date: 8/12/24
HS Football, HS Golf
Physicals due: 7/29/24
Official Start Date: 8/5/24
Girls and Boys Water Polo CO-OP with McDowell
2024-2025 Winter Sports Official Start Dates
MS/HS Wrestling, MS/ HS Boys Basketball, HS Basketball Cheer, HS Swimming and Diving, HS Girls Basketball
Physicals or Section 7 due: 11/11/24
Official start date: 11/18/24
2024-2025 Spring Sports Official Start Dates
HS Baseball, HS Softball, HS Track and Field
Physicals due: 2/24/25
Start Date: 3/3/25
MS Soccer, MS Track and Field
Physicals Due: 3/17/25
Start Date: 3/25/25
MS Volleyball
Start Date: TBA
Girls Lacrosse Co-Op with Fairview
Boys Volleyball Co-op with FLB
IMPORTANT: Physicals must be turned in to Courtney Behnke in the GMHS main office, no later than one week prior to the official start of the season.
GM Physical Day: Saturday, 6/8/24
Please enter through the HS main lobby doors. Cost is $15 per athlete. Please download PIAA Physical Form and fill out sections 1-5 of the PIAA form prior to your arrival that day. Be sure to CAREFULLY FILL OUT ALL SPORTS in ALL 3 SEASONS that your child will participate in for the 2023-24 school year on page 1. Your student should bring this PIAA form with them that day. If sections 1-5 are not filled out and signed by both the parent and the athlete, the doctor will not perform the physical. We will collect and file your child’s physical packet when they leave.
Additionally, our athletic trainer needs these two documents filled out and turned in with your child’s physical packet: HIPAA Form for Athletes and Athlete Information Sheet.
- 8am to 9 am: 11th and 12th graders
- 9am to 10 am: 9th and 10th graders
- 11 am to 12 pm: 7th and 8th graders
Section 7 is the eighth section and recertification form between sport seasons. PIAA requires parents to complete this section at the conclusion of their child’s fall and/ or winter season to be re-certified to participate in another sport season. Section 7 must be dated AFTER the conclusion of the previous season.
The form is available here: Section 7
Ex: Your son plays football in the fall and wants to try out for basketball in the winter season. Football ends with a loss in the playoffs on 11/4. You must sign and date Section 8 after 11/4 and turn in to the HS office prior to him participating in the first official practice for basketball.
If you have questions about any of this information, please email Jamie Soboleski at