We are always graciously accepting donations. Questions? Email gmfoundation@generalmclane.org.
Contribute any time by donating to the General McLane Foundation online.
Donations can also be mailed or delivered to the General McLane Education Center. All donations are tax deductible and can be mailed to:
The General McLane Foundation
11771 Edinboro Road
Edinboro, PA 16412
Create a new fund, endowment or grant
Join the hundreds of community members who have generously contributed to provide financial support to benefit the students of General McLane School District.
Please contact Linda Rummel at 814-440-5552 if you have questions or to complete the form to create a new fund and provide information for the Board of Trustees to ratify and establish your fund.

Remember us when you shop online!
Set up your walmart.com account to “round-up” your purchases to benefit the General McLane Foundation. Log in to your Walmart account to get started.
Employer Match Programs
Does your employer offer a monetary match for volunteered hours or personal donations? Employers like Erie Insurance use platforms like Benevity, where you can select the General McLane Foundation as your non-profit of choice.
The General McLane Foundation is organized as a public charity exempt from income tax under Internal
Revenue Code section 501( c )( 3 ). You might be able to deduct your contribution to the Foundation on your federal income tax return.