General McLane School District

 “Our Partners” are scholarships that are funded through a Partner Committee, but these scholarships are issued through the Foundation.

Gillespie Foundation for Alumni 

Application Required: Yes
1. H.G. Gillespie Foundation 2022 Alumni Scholarship Application
2. Application Deadline: April 30, 2022
Scholarship Amount:  Varies year-to-year
Number of Recipients: Varies year-to-year

Description: The H.G. Gillespie Foundation provides financial assistance to General McLane School District graduates who have attained at least third year standing in post secondary educational institutions.  To be eligible, a GM graduate must have obtained third year standing at a post-secondary institution by June 1, 2022. Second year students that anticipate third year standing by June 1st should apply. GM graduates that have been awarded the H.G. Gillespie scholarship in previous years are not eligible. Awards will reflect primarily the applicants’ character, citizenship, and probable contributions to the futures of their communities. Race, gender, religious convictions, and quality of academic achievement will not serve as criteria for awards.