General McLane School District partners with The Nutrition Group to provide well-balanced nutritious meals for all General McLane students. Click here to read more about this partnership.
Instructions to Register Your Student is our online student account payment and management system.
You will need your child’s Student ID to register your student in SchoolCafe. Student’s in grades 5-12 should know their Student ID, please ask your child for this number. Students in grades K-4 will receive this information in the mail.
If you need technical support with SchoolCafe, please contact their help desk at (855) 729-2328.
Important Information
GMSD Unpaid Meal Policy
School Meal Modifications for Children with Disabilities
Wellness and Nutrition Committee
Board Policy 246 contains information about the GMSD Wellness Committee. You can find that policy here.
According to this policy, the Wellness and Nutrition Committee is comprised of, but not necessarily limited to, at least one (1) of each of the following: School Board member, district administrator, district food service representative, student, parent/guardian, school health professional, physical education teacher and member of the public. It shall be the goal that committee membership will include representatives from each school building and reflect the diversity of the community.
Summer Meals for Kids
USDA has a Summer Meals for Kids program that allow families to find nutrition during the summertime. Find a program near you by using this link:
Contact Information

Mission Statement
To serve nutritious and appealing meals to satisfied customers and enhance their success in the classroom.