General McLane School District

We are parents, guardians, staff, teachers and patrons of McKean Elementary. Our purpose is to foster a sense of support, pride, and enthusiasm for the school. Through various family and community activities, the PTA promotes positive school and community relationships to enhance the educational environment for our children. Ensuring our children’s future and fostering quality public education today are two of the primary goals of the McKean Elementary PTA.

McKean PTA is a non-profit organization comprised of parents/guardians of current students, current administrators and teachers, and patrons who wish to support McKean Elementary School.

On these pages, we hope you will find the information to keep you informed about your child’s school. Read classroom and other school-related news in the weekly bulletin, view and download forms, and visit McKean Elementary via the General McLane School District web site. Find out ways to get involved. Are you able to offer a small amount of time helping your PTA make McKean Elementary an even better school? We have made great strides in the last years, with new programs, funding for student organizations and activities, new equipment for classrooms and the school, and more.

Another way to stay informed is to follow the McKean PTA on Facebook.
Facebook can be a valuable tool for members; giving them current information at their fingertips.
Sign-up today and read all the exciting programs, events, and activities the McKean PTA have planned for the school year and beyond.

All of the programs and events sponsored by the McKean Elementary PTA are organized and staffed by parents, staff, and other volunteers. If you are interested in chairing an event or volunteering within the PTA, please contact the office at McKean Elementary School, 814-273-1033 ext. 4900.

PTA business is conducted through the monthly General Meeting. Activities, policies, and financial affairs are governed by the PTA By-laws and as developed through the meetings, conferences, and committees. McKean Elementary PTA sponsors a wide variety of activities and services throughout the school year.

Several fundraising events are held each year to financially support these efforts and to provide funds for school needs that enhance educational programming. PTA also participates in the National Reflections Program. The Reflections Program provides opportunities for students to express themselves and to receive positive recognition for their artistic efforts. We encourage all students to enter. Stay tuned for additional information and to print an entry form for the Reflections Program.

Parent Involvement within the schools is a key component for improving student achievement. McKean PTA believes that the more involved parents are with their child’s learning, the more effective that learning will be. The PTA encourages the voluntary participation of parents/guardians in school programs under the guidance of professional educators. There are many volunteering options in addition to participation on a committee. Please, become involved!

To reach a member of the PTA board, contact the office at McKean Elementary School, 814-273-1033 ext. 4900.